Ford 550 / 555 / 555A / 555B / 655 / 655A Parts Manual
Hello, I recently purchased a 555A and was given the parts manual for the tractor from the previous owner. Given it was 1000 pages long, and I am lazy, I scanned the entire thing, made it searchable, and am
Sleep for Christians: Dos and Don’ts
There are a lot of articles written about the science of sleep, but there is a lot of spiritual aspects as well that I find to be generally not discussed.We have trained our bodies into a very unrestful form of
What if communion didn’t involve eating cardboard?
Have you ever wondered to yourself whilst taking communion what exactly the spiritual significance is of, what was pre-COVID, a small stale cracker, and, now that we are in COVID, a barely-edible piece of stale cardboard?Perhaps some of these thoughts
– GO –
A few months ago Nick, my mom, and I were sitting at the kitchen table of my grandparents’ homestead in the boonies of Pennsylvania, detoxing from all the chaos in the world. The police protests and riots had just begun,
So you want justice?
Today is marking yet another example of people protesting yet another spotlighted apparent injustice by the national media. This has in turn caused intense anger and frustration, with apparent just anger at the apparent injustice that has transpired.Nobody, for any
A Potential Answer to “Spontaneous” Pneumothorax
This is not a post for a regular reader, but a very specific post for those who may have been told that a medical condition called "Spontaneous Pneumothorax" (collapsed lung) is 100% unpreventable and nothing can be done about it.I
Why Science Can Never Prove nor Disprove God
Fundamentally, Science and Religion answer different questions - they are completely independent of one another. Science, seeks to answer the question of "how" things happen, whereas religion seeks to answer who and why things happen. A devout theistic person
Planet Earth & Blue Planet
The level of detailed engineering that our Lord put into every detail of our universe, is breathtaking. It is amazing to see that even in a secular documentary, intending to show the power of evolution and the need to
Sit, Walk, Stand
During the early stages of the church in 20th century China was man by the name of Watchman Nee (倪柝聲) who God used as an instrumental figure in it's development. From training early church workers, pastors and Bible students;
A Minute of Margin
Margin is a concept in today's society, that at best is on the fringe, and at worst has vanished entirely. We live in a 24/7, 365.25 global society that. never. stops. TV is broadcast 24/7, radio is on
Redemptive Content for Those Stuck at Home
Even before this bug going around, many people still find that there is ample time to consume content of some kind - whether that be Netflix, YouTube (in some variation), Podcasting, watching the news, audio-booking, channel surfing, or even getting
The Knowledge of the Holy
This is a book I try to read/listen to at least once per year, as it's simply worded description of the all-power, all-knowing, omnipresent God that we serve is truly life-changing, and could not be a better time to listen
Mark Driscoll – Quality Content
At first you might say, "But I already went to church!" - not like this you didn't. Mark Driscoll Ministries is a compilation of highly educational, motivating, and challenging sermons presented over this Bible teacher's lifetime. Having taught verse-by-verse
Adventures in Odyssey
Are you ready to turn off the tube but also have something that your entire family can enjoy? Well Adventures in Odyssey by Focus on the Family is your answer. This was actually a radio program from when I
Alton Brown & Good Eats
Going to a different extreme than I normally cover, this is a mentally stimulating cooking class like no other. Diverging from the typical "cooking show" wherein a recipe is presented, some smiles, and showing pretty pictures of the completed
Answers to Prayer (by George Müller)
If you have never heard the story of George Müller, you are truly missing out - these are the diaries of a man in 19th century England who over the course of his lifetime established, by prayer alone, an orphanage that
EntreLeadership – Dave Ramsey
There is a vast number of business and leadership books on the market today (and I can write an entire article on many of them), but this one is worth mentioning here.Everyone knows the name "Dave Ramsey" with his "Financial
Resting with Bob Ross
Few people are unfamiliar with the infamous PBS character, Bob Ross, who was the sole host of a TV series called "The Joy of Painting." For over a decade, Bob opened a whole world of imagination through 31 seasons of
The Hope I Had
Today a little piece of me shattered. For almost ten years, Nick and I attended Grace Church in Middleburg Heights. It’s where we met, it’s where we got married, and it’s where we attended church as newlyweds, but a couple months
A Lesson Learned
This morning, I went shopping with both girls to six different stores.--My day had already started off on the wrong foot; Lacy woke up several times last night (meaning I didn’t get nearly enough sleep), and Nick, who usually stays home while Lily naps during my regular Tuesday afternoon grocery shopping trip, had to schedule a meeting during that time -- and we still needed, you know, food to eat.
The Life Story of David Stickley, Part 1
"We're not gonna be able to record this all tonight. I mean, think about it, I've got 80 years to talk about." - David Stickley
Homemade Honey-Sweetened Apple Pie
You surely can't beat a good 'ol apple pie on a crisp fall day... or can you? What if I told you it was a good 'ol apple pie, without any sugar? I hear ya, I hear ya - Oh, then it must not taste nearly as good as a
11 Months With Lily!
It’s hard to believe Lily will be one year old in a month. It’s been a wild ride, but we have loved every minute! She has grown so much, especially in the last month, and it has been so fun
9 Months With Lily!
Admittedly, Lily turned 9 months old almost two weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to posting. Whoops. That's life with a baby!Lily is seriously such a joy. Her smile is contagious, her laugh is adorable, and she loooooves to cuddle. Not to
Hearty Chicken & Jasmine Rice Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup is a versatile and delicious dinner, perfect on a snowy day like today, or as the go-to cure for any cold or flu. This recipe utilizes lemon and rice to provide a hearty and wholesome meal for everyone to enjoy.
Chicken Strips with Aioli
Chicken Strips with AioliPrep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 15 minutes | Total Time: 25 minutes Serves: 4Ingredients:6 tbs butter 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 1/4 cup panko breadcrumbs (unseasoned) 1/2 cup shredded parmesan 1 tbs parsley 1 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 2 - 2 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts 1/2 cup mayo 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp parsleyDirections: 1) Preheat oven to 400F and spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray.2) In a small saucepan, melt butter over medium low heat; as butter starts to melt, add minced garlic into the saucepan.3) Once butter has melted, remove from heat.4) In a bowl, combine panko, parmesan, parsley, salt, and pepper.5) Cut breasts into 1 inch thick strips.6) Coat chicken pieces in garlic butter, completely dredge in panko mixture, and place on prepared baking pan.7) Sprinkle leftover panko mixture and drizzle leftover melted butter over chicken strips.8) Bake in preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, or until internal temp reaches 165F or is no longer pink.9) While chicken is baking, combine mayo, garlic powder, lemon juice, and parsley to make aioli.10) Serve chicken alongside the aioli.
Ground Beef Chili
Because I loathe having to scroll through a loooooong post searching for the recipe, I've decided to include all my recipes FIRST. You're welcome.
6 Months With Lily!
Our little girl turned 6 months old on Christmas Eve Eve, and we couldn't be happier to spend every day with such a sweet baby! These last few months have brought so much joy and more love than we ever imagined to our lives, and we love watching her grow! Recently she has grown by leaps and bounds, showing her spunky personality and total fascination in everything (especially things that make a crunchy noise!). She loves oatmeal and applesauce, but could definitely live without sweet potatoes. She loves to roll, but doesn't like getting stuck on her belly. She likes her pacifier, but prefers to chew on her hand instead. We are seeing her develop more and more everyday, and we absolutely love it! We are so looking forward to seeing her learn more in the weeks and months to come!
Life With Lily
I want to start off by saying that Nick and I consider ourselves very, very blessed! Ever since Lily graced her way into our lives, we say it even more. We are so blessed. She’s the sweetest little bundle of pure joy and we love her to the moon and back. We like to say she fits into our lives like a puzzle piece we didn’t know was missing - she’s such a perfect addition to our family!—I learned something a year or two ago that I’ve really had to be intentional about; the realization that people’s lives are not exactly what you see on social media. I heard it from listening to one of my favorite pastors, and though it wasn’t earth-shattering, it left me thinking and dwelling on the concept; what one sees on social media is what one chooses to reveal, and there’s a whole life behind the screen that someone is living. Sometimes it’s not all bliss. I’m not saying this is a bad thing entirely - it’s good to share in one’s successes and joys, but a lot of the time the things we see and post can really mislead people.
A Legacy Not Forgotten
7 years without my Mimi and I sit here trying to find the words to say. Facebook is often riddled with pictures of late grandparents, and sometimes I find it difficult to grasp the significance of them all. All express the same sentiment: I miss you. But yet with each loving statement are stories upon stories of all the times spent with a person that made life that much better.
Lily Anne is Here!
As most of you have undoubtedly figured out by now, our sweet, sweet Lily Anne has arrived! She took us mostly by surprise, arriving a few weeks before her due date, but we are so so thankful that she is healthy in every way, shape, and form. She passed every test thrown at her with flying colors - I guess she just wanted to enter in this world with a fanfare! And that she did, just 5 hours before my own birthday! Definitely nothing less than memorable.
Life as I Know It
Sometimes I find it difficult to wrap my mind around the last few months, as if I’m still trying to grasp reality. Life has a funny way of making it seem as if things are being thrown at you, when you actually planned for them to happen. As a child you imagine your life unfolding in the way one always dreams it would, without really stopping to think of the plans God has for you, and that they’re, more often than not, radically different.Sometimes you find yourself getting caught up in the “norm.” Everyone says “Dare to be different,” but when you step outside of society, it’s uncomfortable. You almost don’t feel safe, and you crawl back to the other side where you don’t have the fear that comes along with not being normal. I’ve found it takes a strong will and trust and faith in God to really break those chains, and that’s where I am at this very moment.
Working Hard and Making Progress!
First things first, I LOVE owning a house! It's been a looooong process getting there, but now that we're here, I couldn't be happier! And I'm sure Nick would say the same thing, too!As most of you know, we packed up our 1000 sq. ft. apartment in Olmsted Twp. and moved into a 1900 sq. ft. split-level in Brunswick. We had been looking for a house pretty much nonstop since we got married, and this one couldn't have been more perfect! Well, perfect in the sense that it has loads of potential, but let's just say it was definitely an eye sore. Let me draw you a mental picture (mostly because I was terrible at taking pictures of the house before we started making improvements!).
Where Do You Stand?
"If you do not stand for Planned Parenthood, then you don't stand for women. Period." As I sat on the couch reading that statement, my blood started to boil. I had just finished reading a long-winded post about how abortion was the right decision to make for this woman, and my heart started to race - faster, and faster as I began to think about her decision to end a human life.
Creating a New Logo – Branding, Marketing, and Hieroglyphics
Many people are looking to create a new logo, and many even hire professional marketing & branding help through graphic designers, and professional logo creation experts, however this is an issue that is so often misunderstood.
One myth that many people believe about logos, especially the mark, is that it is going to fully tell what your business it, in and of itself, like it is a painting or a picture of your business or organization, or that it is an advertisement in and of itself. Really, it is just a simple, memorable shape that represents your business, organization, product, or service.
A good logos primary job is to easily allow people to associate a picture, with your business uniquely. That’s it’s entire job, and why logos are so important.
Think about this; think of the ancient Egyptian writing, and think about modern Asian country’s languages.
True Friendship
No picture says it more clear, no movie can show it better, than this scene from the Lord of the Rings, where Frodo's longtime and loyal friend, there with him all the way, cannot bear Frodo's burden, but can only
Making Evernote on Mac Pretty with CSS
So it turns out that you can in fact make the Evernote application look nicely, especially on your Mac.It's prety simple to get started updating your Evernote CSS file, open up: /Applications/ You will need to make sure that you can read
Practical Best Practices in Software Developement
This is a boring article about some of the basic best-practices and principals for writing software. I have broken this down into concepts and the subsequent best practices and principals in software development. This article is focusing on best practices for programming languages like Java, PHP, JavaScript and am using industry standard frameworks like Laravel (PHP), Spring MVC (Java), and Angular.js/jQuery (JavaScript). This guide is not comprehensive, but hopefully over time it will be.I know that there are a bunch of guides and practical programming guides on this, but since I am a programmer, everyone else's isn't as good as mine, so I decided I needed to write my own. Yup
Detroit’s Depravity
Detroit's depravity is becoming increasingly dangerous, although we don't hear about this in the media much, this is a great first-hand article by a good friend. It's worth the read.
God is Good!
Dear Friends and Family,
Nick and I are so humbled by all of your support and congratulations in our engagement! I, personally, did not expect such a hoopla, but I am ever-grateful for it. Kudos to all of you that have gone through this engagement and wedding process - ‘cause it’s definitely a whirlwind! All those people grabbing your hand to “oooo” and “ahhhh” at your ring, all the congratulations and elbow-nudges, and just the stress that comes with planning a wedding - I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, but so many of you have, and that’s an encouragement!
Now, we knew that this engagement would bring many questions and concerns from the people who love and care about us. I hope to be able to answer these today in this blog. We aren’t walking into this blindly, and we want you all to know that we respect your opinions. If after you read this, you still have questions, feel free to ask us. We aren’t trying to be exclusive. We want to hear you out and at least try to alleviate your concerns, which I hope will be accomplished as you read further.
Last year, in September, I believe Nick and I were driving in his car, enjoying each other’s company, when, completely out-of-the-blue, Nick says:
Peter & The Good News
What a great perspective on this story that we so often see as down, but like everything in the Bible, and in life today, is completely redeemed by Jesus. Peter sins and fails, Jesus redeems and never fails – we sin and fail Him daily, yet he never ceases to redeem and never ever fails us.This sermon comes out of a ver long sermon series out of the book of Luke, in fact it is a two-year sermon series at Mars Hill church up in Seattle, Washington.It's totally worth your time to take and watch. You can download the full/higher quality version here:
What Does a Good Presidential Candidate Look Like?
Think back to the last election season, the presidential candidates, and the years that transpired since then. Then, think back to what you remember in history class, and when you wrote those papers in high school about the early founders and leaders of this great nation.Do you see the similarities? …Neither do I.Every election season, we as a nation go through our “religious” and “rigorous” selection process to decide who will be the next leader of the free world. But here is the thing that doesn't really make sense: what “criteria"that we are using to select a president actually applies to what matters in a president?Think about it this way: What are the key things we focus on? Their economic
We Are [Officially] Engaged!
It's finally true and public that Leah and I are publicly, officially, and formally, engaged. We will be posting more about the wedding, the engagement, the story, and the plans we hope to share with you here on this site.Lot's
Living In the Present
What does it look like to live in the present?At one particular worship ministry conference I had the privilege of going to, about a year-and-a-half ago, the speaker handed out what was basically the image shown above, with the simple message
Addo Solutions
Today, organizations use websites to improve visibility and profit. Addo Solutions offers not only the highest quality websites, but service at rock bottom prices. With the easiest and most advanced editing platform in the industry today, we take the hassle
Yet Another Blog
Artman Holdings is going to be an awesome holdings company that I will be starting up for some cool SaaS and other company ideas I would like to start. Ultimately, this is just another blog, but I am excited to