

At first you might say, "But I already went to church!" - not like this you didn't. Mark Driscoll Ministries is a compilation of highly educational, motivating, and challenging sermons presented over this Bible teacher's lifetime. Having taught verse-by-verse through dozens of boos of the Bible, I assume you you will not be bored, and not because he is some kind of entertainer, but because of the deeply challenging content he presents from the Bible.

Pastor Mark has a unique approach, specifically towards encouraging and growing christian men to love and lead their families in a godly way - that does not mean that if you are female or single this is not for you, but specifically if you are a male, you will find his content exceptionally challenging (and possibly offensive in a biblical way).

The series I will highlight with this post, is his latest Daniel series, one in which he started Q1 2020, and runs right into the heart of COVID-19 with some amazingly practical and prophetic words, for today from the Bible. It's worth a listen/watch.

All his content is available for free online, with videos, books, sermons, etc. you will have a hard time exhausting his collection. You will have a hard time listening to any of his content and not learning something you probably have never heard before.

Current Series | All His Content | Live Sunday Services

Dear Friends and Family, 

Nick and I are so humbled by all of your support and congratulations in our engagement! I, personally, did not expect such a hoopla, but I am ever-grateful for it. Kudos to all of you that have gone through this engagement and wedding process - ‘cause it’s definitely a whirlwind! All those people grabbing your hand to “oooo” and “ahhhh” at your ring, all the congratulations and elbow-nudges, and just the stress that comes with planning a wedding - I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, but so many of you have, and that’s an encouragement! 

Now, we knew that this engagement would bring many questions and concerns from the people who love and care about us. I hope to be able to answer these today in this blog. We aren’t walking into this blindly, and we want you all to know that we respect your opinions. If after you read this, you still have questions, feel free to ask us. We aren’t trying to be exclusive. We want to hear you out and at least try to alleviate your concerns, which I hope will be accomplished as you read further. 

Last year, in September, I believe Nick and I were driving in his car, enjoying each other’s company, when, completely out-of-the-blue, Nick says: