
December 2017

Our little girl turned 6 months old on Christmas Eve Eve, and we couldn't be happier to spend every day with such a sweet baby! These last few months have brought so much joy and more love than we ever imagined to our lives, and we love watching her grow! Recently she has grown by leaps and bounds, showing her spunky personality and total fascination in everything (especially things that make a crunchy noise!). She loves oatmeal and applesauce, but could definitely live without sweet potatoes. She loves to roll, but doesn't like getting stuck on her belly. She likes her pacifier, but prefers to chew on her hand instead. We are seeing her develop more and more everyday, and we absolutely love it! We are so looking forward to seeing her learn more in the weeks and months to come!

Our little girl turned 6 months old on Christmas Eve Eve, and we couldn't be happier to spend every day with such a sweet baby! These last few months have brought so much joy and more love than we ever imagined to our lives, and we love watching her grow! Recently she has grown by leaps and bounds, showing her spunky personality and total fascination in everything (especially things that make a crunchy noise!). She loves oatmeal and applesauce, but could definitely live without sweet potatoes. She loves to roll, but doesn't like getting stuck on her belly. She likes her pacifier, but prefers to chew on her hand instead. We are seeing her develop more and more everyday, and we absolutely love it! We are so looking forward to seeing her learn more in the weeks and months to come!