
May 2018

It’s hard to believe Lily will be one year old in a month. It’s been a wild ride, but we have loved every minute! She has grown so much, especially in the last month, and it has been so fun to see!Lily started crawling the day she turned 10 months old, and she hasn’t stopped since. I love seeing the personality she has gained through learning this new skill - she’s so much more content now that she can move on her own, and it’s adorable seeing her fascination with normal, everyday things!A couple days after Lily learned how to crawl, we noticed a tooth making its debut right in the middle on the bottom! Teething has most certainly begun, but she’s a champ!  Lily loves to eat, loves to snuggle, loves to babble, and it never ceases to bring a smile to our face. Nothing beats a messy-faced grin, warm baby cuddles, or her sweet little coos!The most important thing Lily has learned recently is the fact that she’s going to be a big sister! Though she may not fully understand the implications that come with it yet, Nick and I are so so excited! Lily has been such a joy – a puzzle piece we never knew was missing in our lives – so growing our family is such a blessing to us!I want to thank everyone for all the love you have poured out on Nick, Lily, and I. It takes a village to raise a child, and our village is the most loving, encouraging, and faithful village I know! ❤Looking forward to all the ways we grow throughout the rest of the year,Nick, Leah, and Lily [gallery link="file" ids="432,425,433,430,424,429,428,437,431,427"]