
Even before this bug going around, many people still find that there is ample time to consume content of some kind – whether that be Netflix, YouTube (in some variation), Podcasting, watching the news, audio-booking, channel surfing, or even getting down into some video-games – we are all consuming content at an unprecedented rate. Interestingly enough, we find at times that we are consuming content so quickly, that media outlets often cannot even produce content at the rate of our consumption, leading to a new phenomenon called “post-series depression” when that series you were watching comes to an end, and you are sad because the story came to an end.

With this rise in content consumption, sadly the quality (both creatively and spiritually) is diminishing, yet many of us continue to tune-in to lower quality and darker content, simply because there is nothing left to consume. How many times have you been in a room with someone watching something and had a conversation like “Why are you watching X?” and get the response “I don’t really like it, but there is nothing else on.” That is a sign, it’s time to start looking other places.

Timely, Consumable Quality*

So what else is out there? Sadly sometimes the content that is consumed or watched the most, is that which has the best marketing agency, and often not because of the quality of the actual media being presented. Originally, I had intended simply to post an article of some good initial resources that would be a great primer into a world of quality content, but I apparently had SO much fun doing so, I ended up writing 3 hours later with coming on a dozen sources.

So instead of writing an endless done of options, and update that nobody will ever get to see, instead I broke that into an entire section of the site, so that there the content can live and nobody will ever read. But at least its organized!

A Different Consumption Style

The typical style of most media consumption done today is done sitting with the tube on. While some of the content provided, that would work for, others may help you to decompress at such a way as to rest, with a “holy nap”, others may draw you to get up and move.

At my house, we love to listen to much of this content while we are doing chores of some kind – as we find it easier to engage our brains when we are engaging our hands, but yet in tasks that require minimal thought (like organizing, sweeping etc.)

In any case, whether you are home alone, or have a small army of little goobers running around your house, there is content there for you.

*Disclaimer: much of this content may change your life.


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