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Are you ready to turn off the tube but also have something that your entire family can enjoy? Well Adventures in Odyssey by Focus on the Family is your answer. This was actually a radio program from when I was a kid (and I think is still broadcast on WCRF), with fictional stories from a place called "Odyssey," but unlike many of the stories generally available today, possess a deep moral truth about life, family, and God. With somewhere near 900 episodes, you and your family will have a good long time before you are out of episodes.

These stories I would recommend for kids around 3 and up until you are so old you loose your hearing!

Focus on the Family has a lots of other audio content, such a dramatized version of the Chronicles of Narnia, and many other books. Check out Lamplighter Theater, and also other Audio broadcasts like "Ranger Bill" and "Jungle Jam and Friends". Actually it sounds like I will need to write a separate post just for family content!

Focus on the Family has a free 4 week trial going on of their subscription service that gets you access to their entire library of Adventures in Odyssey collection. It's worth the click!