
leadership Tag

There is a vast number of business and leadership books on the market today (and I can write an entire article on many of them), but this one is worth mentioning here.

Everyone knows the name "Dave Ramsey" with his "Financial Peace University" and his zero-debt approach to life, something Leah and I have adopted personally and professionally. If you have not gone through this check out "The Total Money Makeover." For many, that journey stops at personal finance as our control over other check-books is limited, however for some of us that own our own businesses, there is a lot more to the story - and that leads us to EntreLeadership

Dave's approach to business and finance are deeply tied to biblical wisdom and leadership. In this book he will walk you through several key areas including leadership, culture building, finance (obviously), sales, compensation, hiring & firing, managing growth, and many other subjects. If you manage the finances of an organization, or you are in a position of leadership in an organization, I highly recommend this book. In addition he has created an entire content network of podcasts, blogs, and tons of other content for businessleaders.

One of my favorite types of audio-book are when they are read by the author, because you can get that extra tone/attitude you don't always get just from the words on the page, and that another reader may not possess - this is one of those audiobooks!

Book | eBook | AudioBook |

Many people are looking to create a new logo, and many even hire professional marketing & branding help through graphic designers, and professional logo creation experts, however this is an issue that is so often misunderstood.

One myth that many people believe about logos, especially the mark, is that it is going to fully tell what your business it, in and of itself, like it is a painting or a picture of your business or organization, or that it is an advertisement in and of itself.  Really, it is just a simple, memorable shape that represents your business, organization, product, or service.

A good logos primary job is to easily allow people to associate a picture, with your business uniquely.  That’s it’s entire job, and why logos are so important.

Think about this; think of the ancient Egyptian writing, and think about modern Asian country’s languages.

Dear Friends and Family, 

Nick and I are so humbled by all of your support and congratulations in our engagement! I, personally, did not expect such a hoopla, but I am ever-grateful for it. Kudos to all of you that have gone through this engagement and wedding process - ‘cause it’s definitely a whirlwind! All those people grabbing your hand to “oooo” and “ahhhh” at your ring, all the congratulations and elbow-nudges, and just the stress that comes with planning a wedding - I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, but so many of you have, and that’s an encouragement! 

Now, we knew that this engagement would bring many questions and concerns from the people who love and care about us. I hope to be able to answer these today in this blog. We aren’t walking into this blindly, and we want you all to know that we respect your opinions. If after you read this, you still have questions, feel free to ask us. We aren’t trying to be exclusive. We want to hear you out and at least try to alleviate your concerns, which I hope will be accomplished as you read further. 

Last year, in September, I believe Nick and I were driving in his car, enjoying each other’s company, when, completely out-of-the-blue, Nick says:

What a great perspective on this story that we so often see as down, but like everything in the Bible, and in life today, is completely redeemed by Jesus.  Peter sins and fails, Jesus redeems and never fails – we sin and fail Him daily, yet he never ceases to redeem and never ever fails us.This sermon comes out of a ver long sermon series out of the book of Luke, in fact it is a two-year sermon series at Mars Hill church up in Seattle, Washington.It's totally worth your time to take and watch.  You can download the full/higher quality version here:

Think back to the last election season, the presidential candidates, and the years that transpired since then.  Then, think back to what you remember in history class, and when you wrote those papers in high school about the early founders and leaders of this great nation.Do you see the similarities? …Neither do I.Every election season, we as a nation go through our “religious” and “rigorous” selection process to decide who will be the next leader of the free world.  But here is the thing that doesn't really make sense: what “criteria"that we are using to select a president actually applies to what matters in a president?Think about it this way: What are the key things we focus on? Their economic