
software Tag

So it turns out that you can in fact make the Evernote application look nicely, especially on your Mac.It's prety simple to get started updating your Evernote CSS file, open up:
You will need to make sure that you can read and write to this file before making all your changes.

This is a boring article about some of the basic best-practices and principals for writing software.  I have broken this down into concepts and the subsequent best practices and principals in software development.  This article is focusing on best practices for programming languages like Java, PHP, JavaScript and am using industry standard frameworks like Laravel (PHP), Spring MVC (Java), and Angular.js/jQuery (JavaScript).  This guide is not comprehensive, but hopefully over time it will be.I know that there are a bunch of guides and practical programming guides on this, but since I am a programmer, everyone else's isn't as good as mine, so I decided I needed to write my own. Yup