
What does it look like to live in the present?

At one particular worship ministry conference I had the privilege of going to, about a year-and-a-half ago, the speaker handed out what was basically the image shown above, with the simple message “You are here… so be here now.”  It is a super simple concept with amazing practicality.

People like me tend to always be thinking about what’s next, and how we can go about getting there – which in certain contexts is amazingly important – but can be dangerous because you never are able to take time and enjoy where you are now.

For me, great places to start are to stop worrying about what’s next on your todo list, or how next week will look, and give your full attention to that person that you are with.  Another great place to start is at night, think about only the day that has just passed, not the day before, or tomorrow.

Enjoy and make the most of where you are at now – be here… now.


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