
Admittedly, Lily turned 9 months old almost two weeks ago and I’m just now getting around to posting. Whoops. That’s life with a baby!

Lily is seriously such a joy. Her smile is contagious, her laugh is adorable, and she loooooves to cuddle. Not to mention she never stops eating (though you wouldn’t know that by looking at her!). She still loves applesauce and has definitely come around to sweet potatoes, but I gotta say her favorite food is pork. Not exactly what I expected a 9 month old to like so much, but it is no doubt her favorite!

She hasn’t started crawling and no little teeth have made their debut yet, but she does thoroughly enjoy being on her belly and trying reeeeally hard to reach anything in front of her. Unfortunately this usually has the opposite effect – she ends up scooting backwards about 100% of the time. But it hasn’t affected her determination!

Her favorite things are Daddy, Bruno, music, splashing in the bathtub, and eating – honestly, what more could anyone ask for? All in all she is a ball of fun and we are thoroughly enjoying our little family!

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